Sunday Worship
Normal Worship at 10:25am



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Getting Here

Railings available to lock up bikes
Parking lot & street parking available

Questions & Answers

We have people at church that are wearing Sunday best sitting next to people wearing more comfy or casual options. 

Please dress however you are most comfortable. It doesn't matter to us!

1. The main door opens onto 19th Street.

2. There is a walkway from the parking lot through to University Ave. that splits betweek the sanctuary and the Kaiser building. Red sanctuary doors open onto that path as well.

Our Sunday mornings are shaped by traditional Lutheran liturgy filled will singing and praising God.  We also enjoy boldy singing out a variety of different hymns. We hear God's word being spoken through scripture and through a sermon preached by our pastor. Each Sunday we gather at God's holy table to partake in Holy Communion. Everyone is welcome at this table because we believe God is doing the inviting without restriction.  You will find yourself surrounded by friendly faces willing to help you participate fully with a simple ask. Everyone is welcome and everyone is celebrated in this space!

Children are beloved full worship participants at University Lutheran Church! We welcome their questions and worries, their noises and wiggles, their leadership and silliness, and their beautiful faith.

In the back of the sanctuary you will find a soft space all ready for children and their adults. In this space they are welcome to move around, create something beautiful, all while still participating in worship. You are also more than welcome to move around the sanctuary space throughout the service if your little one needs to be on the move.

Children are encouraged to join up front for a children's message, share their prayers during prayers of the people, and join us in making a joyful noise to the Lord with rhythm instruments. We also welcome their leadership if they are interested in serving as an usher, communion assistant, or scripture reader.